This election has been one of the most historic ones in reccent history. The narraitve in this election has been one that goes agansit the elites and focues on the common man. politcal processbeen exposed as corrupt and both parites may change as we know it forever. Bernie and trump repensents the people and if they win they will set a new standard for their respective parites. This is an election cycle where the establsimet lost control.
My faviorte canidate was rand paul. He held pratical solutions economically and was socially liberal. He dropped out early in the race. I am currently undecided but im leaning towards trump then bernie. A trump presidency would expose alot of the corruption in washgton and he is extremely flexible in his polices. A bernie presidency will not amount to much but will the people first not elites. The canidates this cycle are varied this cycle.
What is the state of the election
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